Ready to rejoin the world
The first glimpse of an island one thousand kilometres off the coast of Ecuador felt like confirming the existence of Atlantis. I’d heard the legends, seen the documentaries, but nothing prepared me for the reality of seeing these influential islands in person. I was only mildly embarrassed as I felt my nose scrunch up and a few escaped tears soak into my mask. Everyone had their face glued to a window anyway. Here they were: the Galápagos Islands. Committing to going was an adventure in itself. For two and a half years, I’d been living in pandemic mode, riddled with anxiety, guilt, and stagnation. Life on pause, don’t get sick, keep everyone safe. I worried that I’d never feel ready to dive back into life, and I knew I had to force myself a little. I tracked this trip for months, waiting for a price drop, waiting to feel confident. I took little steps to get ready - applying for a new travel rewards credit card, researching insurance and flights, watching documentaries and reading art...