Algonquin Park

Somehow, in all my love for both Ontario and canoeing, I had never even made it up to Algonquin Park before.  So in the new tradition of camping with the girls, we took the chance to see the wilderness that has inspired so many.

We broke up the long drive with a first night spent outside of the park, on what I had researched to be crown land.  It was night by the time we arrived, and we tried to make it down to the lake where there were supposed campsites near the water.  My Vibe was not loving the offroading experience, so we turned the car around and tried to figure out what to do instead, when a couple of ATVs came down the road and pulled over to ask if we were alright.  We explained that we were looking for crown land, and he knew right away that I had found that information online, and the campsite does not exist!  Instead, the fatherly folk had us follow the ATVs to their own land and said we can camp there a few nights, no problem.  They even came back later with firewood.

A night of car camping
We continued to Algonquin early the next morning and picked up our canoeing supplies and breakfast along the way.  Our route began at the Shall Lake access point on the east side of the park, and our canoe was waiting for us when we arrived.  With some repacking and condensing, we loaded up the canoe and kayak and hit the water.

Beginning on Farm Lake, our route took us through to Kitty Lake, and finally Booth, with two portages.  The first was only 90m, and on the way back we were even able to gently float the boats through the rocks.  The portage from Kitty to Booth was about 500m, and a bit more of a hike.

Our campsite was secluded on the rocky shore and we set up the tent on a bed of hemlock needles (albeit on an unavoidable slant). We spent our time swimming, collecting firewood, cooking on the campstove, and having great life chats.  With the four of us, it never matters where we go, we will simply enjoy each other's company.  Looking forward to the next camping adventure!
