A word on Nepal

Kathmandu was devastated by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake on April 25 with nearly 1500 casualties already reported.  My heart is breaking for Nepal as I think about every person I interacted with just two weeks ago, and all the excited trekkers getting ready for their big Everest Base Camp adventures. Seeing images of ancient temples and structures destroyed, it's hard to face that all the heritage protection in the world doesn't stand a chance against nature.

A group of friends I met in Vietnam were leaving Nepal on Saturday, with their flight being one of the last to clear the ground before the quake hit.  They describe taking off and seeing Kathmandu crumble, dust rising, and I cannot imagine the horror of witnessing that and being powerless to do anything or find out any information until you land.

You can find information on how to help here.

Returning to Kathmandu from the Himalaya flight, April 4
