Sound of steel and old boxcars

Hanoi, Vietnam

Now that I am sitting at Gate 21 with a canned coffee and 18 hours of travel time to occupy, let me fill you in on my last days in Vietnam.  Last you heard, we were boarding the overnight train to the capital city, Hanoi.  This feels like ages ago now; I cannot believe how fast this trip is flying and how much we are doing.  Cambodia seems worlds away.

Firstly: the night train.  This is easily the best way to travel, and we had such a blast squishing in to one room to watch British TV shows, pass around the Oreos, and drink fresh mojitos made by Tuyen en route.  Kerianne, Matt, and I were chatting on the top bunks and taking a million ridiculous pictures of each other, when from the bottom berth came the urgent request to shut off the lights.  When we figured out how, the swaying cabin went silent as we were treated to a lightning show over mountains and rice fields in the dark night.  While I've had this same thought countless times during this trip, it was one of those moments you already know you'll never forget.

We attempt a classic Matt face,and fail. It's too hard to be that (GREAT) British without giggling.
LOVE this one with Beka and Pete. You can read their perspective on our time in Vietnam at
